Over two days, we will have a wide range of speakers and celebrities as part of an unmissable programme of live events to engage and inspire visitors (from beginners to elite). Full programme details will be available in due course. Sign up for our newsletter for future news updates.

Ben Deakin

Dame Laura Kenny

Ed Clancy OBE

Kadeena Cox

Pete Scullion

The Athertons

Anna Glowinski

Catherine Bennett

Chris Ironton

Conor Murphy

Darren Hyland

Duncan McCann

Hannah Milton

Ian Tierney

Jamie Ramsay

Johan Museeuw

John Skelton

Katie Renker

Kierson Wise

Kyrby Brown

Lee Niven

Lily Rice

Markus Stitz

Mel Berry

Oliver Moore

Phil Zschiesche

Rebecca Charlton

Satwant Singh