I’m in my 50’s and love cycling for Pleasure and Health & Wellbeing, i also love to show others new routes/cycle paths and cafes. I have 6 children who are all grown up and left school, i also have 8 grandchildren that i love very much.
I started cycling in Nov 2010 and i’ve covered over 77k Miles, i’m on the Committee for Chorley Cycling Club, and Admin on Lancashire Cycle Link with over 6k Members and have over 2k Followers on IG.
I also love creating routes, taking photos on the rides which are used to keep my feed going on Instagram/Twitter & my Facebook Groups i’m involved in (sadly YouTube is something i have to start working on has never used it much). I also upload Close Passes/Dangerous Driving to UpRide CC and to the Police if the incident is serious enough.
Robert Crank